Tatti’s Tale: Why Dental Care Matters for Strays

Paphos streets are graced by furry felines of all shapes and sizes, but few turn heads like Tatti. This long-haired, grey stunner with hypnotic green eyes and a purr that could rival a symphony, resembles a Siberian princess lost in the Mediterranean sun. Yet, beneath her regal veneer, Tatti, like many strays, faced a hidden struggle – dental woes.

Her story is a reminder that even the most picture-perfect stray needs watchful eyes and, sometimes, a helping hand. When Tatti first appeared, a scrawny kitten with dreams in her eyes, we welcomed her with open arms. Yet, fate threw her a curveball – motherhood at a mere six months old. The scorching Paphos summer claimed her kittens, leaving Tatti heartbroken but resilient.

©Paphospurrs Tatti

In November, we realised it was time to break the cycle and safeguard Tatti’s future. Enter Natalie, our Paphos feline angel, who kindly took Tatti for neutering. While under anaesthesia, a peek at her pearly whites revealed the insidious enemy – gingivitis, the inflamed gums that are a silent thief of feline joy.

But Tatti’s tale took a dramatic turn in December. A swollen face, lost appetite, and a visit to the vet confirmed the worst – an abscess, likely from a tiny cactus spine. Antibiotics, drainage, and, unfortunately, tooth extractions awaited her. Three teeth later, her grin was a little smaller, but her smile, wider than ever.

©Paphospurrs Tatti
With €130 spent on her dental saga, we found ourselves stretched thin during the festive season. No Christmas catnip donations materialised, leaving us struggling to cover food and medical bills.
This is where you come in. Tatti’s story isn’t just about one cat; it’s a call to action. So many strays suffer in silence, their dental issues masked by stoicism.

Here’s how you can help:

Recognise the signs: Red gums, bad breath, drooling, and difficulty eating are all red flags for dental problems.

Donate: Quote “Tatti” in the comments of your donation, it goes directly to her recovery fund.

Spread the word: Share Tatti’s story and raise awareness about dental care for strays.

Remember, a little support can make a world of difference. Let’s ensure every Paphos feline purrs with pride, pain-free and grinning from ear to ear. Join us in giving Tatti, and countless others, the gift of a healthy smile and a brighter future.


Donate now and become a purrfect hero for our Paphos strays who suffer in silence!

©Paphospurrs Tatti as a kitten