7 Months of Purrs and Progress: Paphos Purrs Reflects on a Heartfelt Journey

It’s been a whirlwind seven months since Paphos Purrs first brought its pawsitive energy to the streets of Cyprus. We’ve seen the highs – those precious first purrs after a full tummy, the joyful eyes of a rescued kitten – and we’ve faced the lows, the heartbreaking realities of the island’s stray cat crisis. But through it all, your unwavering support has fueled our mission, and we’re bursting to share some purrfect updates!


Have you been following our adventures on Instagram @paphospurrs? We share weekly glimpses into our world of feeding runs, medical miracles, and feline friendships. If you haven’t yet, hop on over and join the pawty!

Speaking of platforms, we’re curious! Would you be interested in seeing our work unfold on another platform like Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok? Let us know in the comments – your feedback helps us reach even more cat warriors like you!


This journey hasn’t been easy. Witnessing the suffering of vulnerable cats takes a toll. We’ve encountered negativity, those who believe “letting nature take its course” is the answer. But for us, seeing those hungry eyes is a call to action, a reason to fight for a better tomorrow.


That’s why we’ve had to make difficult decisions, prioritizing feeding spots and our own safety. The financial pressures are real. Discovering a sick cat with barely any donations trickling in can be disheartening. We hear “I love what you do, I’ll donate soon” too often, a constant echo that rarely materializes.


But amidst the challenges, your kindness shines bright. Our families have been our rock, offering unwavering support. Generous donations have helped us cover hefty vet bills, and our amazing monthly donors soothe the ever-present hunger pangs of our furry friends. Without you, none of this would be possible. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!


To celebrate our progress, we’re revamping our website to showcase the incredible work of the past seven months. Make sure you check it out and see the impact we’ve made together! And keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming article about Paphos Purrs in The Couriers –  The Weekend Magazine – we’re excited to spread the message of feline compassion even further!


The road ahead may be long, but as Paphos Purrs marches on, guided by your support and the purrs of grateful cats, we know one thing for sure: love and a little TLC can change the world, one paw print at a time.

Join us on this journey! Follow us on Instagram, donate what you can, and share our story. Together, let’s rewrite the fate of Cyprus’ stray cats, one meow at a time!

P.S. We’re open to your suggestions! Let us know what you’d like to see more of on our website or social media!

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